Home Inspection Mistakes To Avoid

Home Inspection Mistakes To Avoid

Three Big Mistakes to Avoid:

1. Thinking you don’t need an inspection

Buying a home is biggest financial decision you will ever make. Protect your investment by ordering a professional inspection before you buy to find out if there are any unseen problems that may be very costly to fix.

2. Ordering a Cheap Inspection

The cost of a home inspection is very small relative to the home being inspected., typically .002% of a home’s price. Choosing a home inspector based solely on cost will get you a sub-standard inspection that you will live to regret.

3. Not Hiring a Professional Inspector

There are many people who offer inspections but who do not have the proper qualifications and experience to deliver quality service. Do not be misled. The quality of your inspection is entirely dependant on the specific individual who performs your inspection and their level of professionalism.

Caution About Other Inspectors:

In Florida anyone may get a home inspector license with no experience or high school diploma. As a property owner, buyer, or involved agent you are at risk unless you check credentials.  There are many franchises available, and for a nominal fee the headquarters provides literature, a website, and marketing tools. The franchiser’s intent is to make money selling franchises, not ensuring their local owners are proficient, competent, or provide professional service.

Beware of These Tell-Tale Signs:

1. Website, flyer, business card with no personal photo
2. No ACI credential (ASHI Certified Inspector)
3. No street address or reference to your community
4. No verifiable education or experience
5. Calls always answered with a message or service – toll free or out of area telephone number
6. Vehicle with no permanently affixed logo
7. No proof of insurance as required by law

Home Inspections Are NOT a Commodity

Be careful who you hire to inspect the most valuable asset you may ever buy! Choosing a home inspector based on price will get you what you pay for – incomplete or inaccurate results. Make sure you choose based on competency and experience. You should also seek out reviews. Referrals from realtors are a conflict of interest as the agent is likely looking for the least resistance to the sale rather than find all the problems and issues related to the property.

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Contact IM Home Inspector

475 19th Place
Vero Beach, Fl 32960


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